As I have a very hard time giving it to people “straight” as they say, I wanted to try for you wonderful people that I will likely never meet.
I am quatro, I am very interested in people, plants, and the mystery behind it, which is to say the entire universe. As they say “You can't make an omelette without first understanding every single thing that has ever happened in the universe” -Carl Sagan - Paraphrased by me, Quatro. I don't understand much about the universe, or omelettes, as I am just a loudmouth Yankee with internet access. If I ever come across as snobbish or pretend I know anything, send me an email (quatroworld@duck.com) and I will practice humility (slap the shit out of myself while muttering curses.) Please enjoy this while it lasts.
I hope you enjoy your time here!
The Why