My bitchass friend locked me out of our shared airbnb for three hours (we agreed on a time for her to unlock the place because I wanted to explore, she wanted to stay home and there was only one key, which I agreed to let her have on the condition she unlocks the door at a specific time. She left to explore the city (2 hours away) an hour before the agreed time. Not especially important but worth mentioning that I didn't get locked out due to having a certain famed running back/moviestars tendencies, I don't kill my wife and a waiter, I'm no axe murderer and I wear that as a badge of honor.) about two months ago. the only place I could stay was mosquito alley next to the hotel, she knew this and said “I'll be home in two hours, you'll be fine.” I was not fine. I contracted malaria. I have been faced with sickness and dying a few times with cancer, heart attacks and whatnot. People really need wake-up calls to remember that life is a flimsy thing, and since I don't talk to many people, I want to share my thoughts to you internet folk. I won't die soon but I will die one day, these thoughts are better with you than me.
